Tuesday 7 May 2013

Happy 18th Birthday Maddie!!

Has it really been 18 years today since I gave birth to our beautiful daughter Maddison?

It seems like only yesterday !!!

Do I miss the nappy changes, teething and getting up throughout the night when she was a baby? - Aabsolutely not!!

Do I miss the early morning cuddles as she jumps into our bed when she was a toddler? - Definitely!!

                                                 BUT ON THE FLIP SIDE

When she goes out with friends I will not be sleeping I will be pacing the floor until she drives through the gates and I know  that she is home safe and sound, then I will sleep!!

I will be begging her not to jump into bed  and cuddle up with some guy she has fallen head over heals for.

She may be classed as an adult from today but she will always be my baby.

I will always be there for her no matter what.

I will protect her with my life, there is no reasoning with a mad woman protecting her child regardless of their age.


  1. I feel exactly the same about my one and only baby - He's called sam and is 22 years old!!

    1. Sam is lucky to have a Mum who cares so much :)


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