Thursday, 11 April 2013

Welcome, come in sit down with a cup of tea and let`s chat

Hello Everyone,

Welcome to my first bog with many more to come. I hope to have you all coming back time and time again and to become part of our growing family.

My aim is to invite you all into our home and to see what we are up to.

We are building a new home with a small hobby farm, with the most wonderful menagerie of animal's which we have acquired over time or rescued.

My Husband is the driving force behind our build and the property.

You will get the chance to see him create something from nothing and over time the house will be finished but our projects will go on and on.

You will get to see the highs and lows of working for yourself whilst building your family home.

We will be cooking, gardening, building, creating, working, playing, loving and much more.

We welcome everyone to add their thoughts and ideas.

Chat soon

1 comment:

  1. Hi Melissa :) I would love to see some photo's of your animals and home in progress. I live in Perth and haven't been to Tassie yet. I am loving our posts, quotes and recipes. Keep it comin'!


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